Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Madan no Ou to Vanadis:Volume 08 Prologue

Madan no Ou to Vanadis:Volume 08 Prologue


He recovered his consciousness. At the same time, he thought that it was cold. The root of his teeth shivered
 with a chattering sound.
His body shook, too. Rounding his back, as he tightly hugged himself, he first had to endure the cold. He even
thought that his body was frozen.
It was when the time of about a count of 1000 passed that his mood had settled down. It was much better
compared to the coldness of the night sea, and lukewarm air probably gave him warmth. The youth finally
raised his body.
His view was pitch-black and nothing could be seen. He put the bow, which he was tightly grasping, nearby
 and took off his cold clothes, which were dripping wet with the sea water. He also took off his trousers and
 underwear and squeezed them. Since he did not have enough strength now, he could not squeeze them
as well as he wanted.
As he felt pain to his head and touched it, there was something which appeared to be a wound. Though
 there was no slippery sensation, his hair was also wet. He sniffed the smell of the hand which touched the wound,
and judged that blood seemed to have stopped.

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